Sunday, October 21, 2007

pre-Halloween prep time! 10 days and counting...

Hey all, Buddy here! Just thought we'd let you get a sneak peak at our costumes! If you don't immediately recognize us, just think of us as having another day at "The Office". Hint, hint. I'm portraying the handsome, intelligent Dwight Schrute and my gangly sidekick is Jim Halpert.

Jim here, I mean Max here! I think this pumpkin just spoke to me. It said, "A dastardly fate awaits you, Dwight."

Hahaha! You shoud've seen Buddy run home to momma! Talking pumpkins? I mean who believes that stuff? Finally, I get the camera to myself.

Hey, I'm the aforementioned Mr. Jack-O-Lantern. Thanks for the quick interview....I just wanted to clarify I said, "A dastardly fate awaits you TONIGHT." Got to give it to Max though, nicely done. Anyhow, enjoy these two bebes while you can, because tonight they're all MINE. Muhahahahahaha...ack...*cough*...hack...*pitooey*. Sorry, had a pumpkin seed in my throat. 'Nite.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Friday Night Lights "Tug O' War" Extravaganza!

Wow, what a night...I totally kicked Buddy's booty in tug-o'-war!!

Check out the pics from our furious fight.

Buddy here. I just want to say, never train with Nick. He totally left me unprepared for this fight. I coulda been a contender!!!

And, yes, it's true: Max totally kicked my bootay. It's so sore I can barely sit down... I guess I'll just lay then!

Afterwards, dad took us to an interesting restaurant to eat. It totally goes against my football religion, so I refused to pose. But here's Max looking dapper.

Yes, I do look dapper, don't I? Well, that's our story and we're sticking to it. Now, go away, it's time for our nap!! -Max